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Stan fully painted 6 rooms, also stripping wallpaper off a couple. He worked very diligently and did a very professional job. Would certainly recommend him.

John Bromwich (Google Reviews)

woman frustrated by mould
04 Dec, 2023
Dealing with mould in your home can be a persistent challenge, but with the right approach, you can effectively eliminate it and create a healthier living environment.
25 Nov, 2023
The best colours to paint your bedroom for a peaceful night's sleep
Dulux vs Dulux Trade
15 Oct, 2023
For many consumers, deciding between Dulux and Dulux Trade paint can be a significant decision. Both product lines are manufactured by AkzoNobel, but they cater to different markets and offer distinct characteristics. In this in-depth article, we will delve into a comprehensive comparison of Dulux and Dulux Trade paints, helping you make an informed choice for your painting projects.

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